Last comments - M/M |

Peppermint Stuffed (Wings_of_Fire)03/09/25 at 03:21Volteer133: @iratestupidposts it's called a prehensile pe...

Raptor Riding Felkin02/27/25 at 15:10IRateStupidPosts: Great, your uploading stupid anals again.

Infiltrator and Leatherleaf (Wings_of_Fire)09/24/24 at 15:43Nebulaz: Please make another one, I am pent up right now se...

Taking a Load Off (Wings_of_Fire)08/30/24 at 00:09Nebulaz: I really like this!

Winter and Qibli (Wings_of_Fire)08/26/24 at 17:10IRateStupidPosts: All they are doing is the same pose... this is fuc...

Dawnchaser and Fatehunter (Wings_of_Fire)08/20/24 at 01:22IRateStupidPosts: @dreyk-daro traced your art. They named it "A...

Glory Hole08/15/24 at 20:03IRateStupidPosts: His face is so ugly... I hate looking at it.

Clay and Starflight 2 (Wings_of_Fire)08/15/24 at 18:11IRateStupidPosts: Obviously EVERYTHING on their body has to blush, d...

Winter Riding Qibli (Wings_of_Fire)08/10/24 at 09:58IL1k3Dragons: Great quality!

Peppermint Stuffed (Wings_of_Fire)08/06/24 at 23:16IRateStupidPosts: How can a male put his OWN penis into his ass? Tha...

Alym and Rionquosue07/14/24 at 00:56IRateStupidPosts: What kind of balls are THOSE?

Mighty Sequoia 1 (Wings_of_Fire)06/11/24 at 22:13IRateStupidPosts: Sequoia looks like he has a vagina. UGLY!

Cloudjumper and Toothless01/27/24 at 23:10BrimstonetheNovaraptor: I wanna see Toothless having sex with a female Sto...

Sleepover (Wings_of_Fire)11/10/23 at 20:36Drsgonix: IGNORE THIS- THIS IS A TEST RUN OF POSTIN FILES

Dragon Bros (Wings_of_Fire)10/18/23 at 03:44Sunshifter: Really cute. Super sexy.

Elder's Lesson (Wings_of_Fire)09/08/23 at 03:16RadioCat: fr

Winter and Qibli Trio (Wings_of_Fire)08/10/23 at 02:47RadioCat: Why are people saying that the Qinter ship wouldn&...

Winter and Qibli Footjob 2 (Wings_of_Fire)07/22/23 at 00:27IvoryX: It is actually a Pawjob

Sleepover (Wings_of_Fire)05/23/23 at 00:06IvoryX: So much fokin crappost on herpy recently…

Spinosaur Mounting05/16/23 at 16:09Godzilla00: una pregunta puede hacer uno hetero para mi? ...

Fistful of Flame (Wings_of_Fire)03/21/23 at 23:11Sunshifter: WTF this looks like the real comics

Syrazor x Rothar01/25/23 at 23:08fbt414!: He better hope that Rex isnt hungry and bites off ...

Clay and Umber (Wings_of_Fire)11/12/22 at 05:48Volteer133: Artist found is wallswhisper on Furaffinity, also ...

Who's The Bottem Now - Messy (Wings_of_Fire)10/19/22 at 14:39Alexis_Lynx: both wants to be the top lmao

Qibli and Turtle (Wings_of_Fire)08/20/22 at 18:41nightwing: sea Dragons should have a dolphin like penis

ArcticDark (Wings_of_Fire)08/12/22 at 00:01nightwing: Nautas dragons have a thing called a genital slit ...

ArcticDark (Wings_of_Fire)08/03/22 at 20:27Nautas.G: where is his dick

Cloudjumper and Puff_Moonwatcher06/04/22 at 11:34Plaxe: This is M/M.
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Mounting Peppermint (Wings_of_Fire)04/12/22 at 11:52Syrazor: Well im sorry to disappoint you, but thats not me ...

Winter Riding Qibli (Wings_of_Fire)03/22/22 at 14:29SS8S: This ship would work out!

Winter Riding Qibli (Wings_of_Fire)03/20/22 at 22:32nightwing: This ship would never work out

Qibli and Winter (Wings_of_Fire)03/12/22 at 23:53Vin_0: I ship winter x qibli so I approve!please if you m...

Winter Dominates Qibli (Wings_of_Fire)01/20/22 at 04:02nightwing: This ship would never work out

Morrowseer and Darkstalker (Wings_of_Fire)01/17/22 at 02:05nightwing: Why Morrowseer and Darkstalker?

Toothless Riding Cloudjumper11/12/21 at 03:24nightwing: What if thoothless was homophobic lol

Raffzahn and Tamrilrak11/05/21 at 00:15Power dragon: Wogo, how's that?

Big Dragons Breeding10/07/21 at 04:06Drajuma: This is Not M/F
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Hivewing In The Woods (Wings_of_Fire)10/07/21 at 01:22nightwing: Help they found my homophobic tweets back in 1544

Elder's Lesson (Wings_of_Fire)10/07/21 at 01:19nightwing: Dragons with balls look so unnatural

Love on the Beach 109/26/21 at 19:07Zartan0: I agree, 3 is true rate

Held Down (Wings_of_Fire)09/26/21 at 19:02Zartan0: I want see more m/f arts

Cyr and Drakkor08/23/21 at 01:57Skrill676: Sexy submissive Drakkor

Evalion's Lair 107/03/21 at 23:13Power dragon: Is there going to be a sequel?

Stuffed Sergal06/17/21 at 21:53JeoDragon: Wrong album.
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A Secret Place For Two06/14/21 at 20:41StarsRewritten: I believe this is M/M (currently says M/F)

Bed Wrecker05/31/21 at 22:43nightwing: Break her bed not her heart

Icewing Spitroast (Wings_of_Fire)04/29/21 at 04:17Naughtydragon42: Please credit my FA (naughtydragon42) also, as I c...

Princely Duties (Wings_of_Fire)04/09/21 at 02:58Furbro44: I agree there like leaf wings will be pounded by i...

Spitroasted Drake03/31/21 at 23:36gatorlover: good CGI art!!

Princely Duties (Wings_of_Fire)03/30/21 at 06:31StarsRewritten: I can definitely imagine some of this action happe...

Gryphon Filling03/27/21 at 04:19gatorlover: can you make more of this?

Farengar and Tay 203/14/21 at 20:49StarsRewritten: Farengar is the purple one, thus the green one mus...

Wrap-around - cum version (Wings_of_Fire)02/08/21 at 07:50Volteer133: The artist is darkenstardragon, scaledfox is the c...

Wrap-around (Wings_of_Fire)02/08/21 at 07:49Volteer133: Commissioner is Scaledfox, but the artist is darke...

Off The Beaten Path10/24/20 at 20:52gatorlover: yes more pics with deer!

The Dominant Dragon (Wings_of_Fire)10/24/20 at 20:46gatorlover: you need to make more of this

Cave Retreat10/24/20 at 19:13gatorlover: anybody that reads this could you try to draw vect...

Toothless and Light_Fury 210/24/20 at 17:14gatorlover: so cute good art work! it would be grate if you ma...

Farengar and Tay 209/30/20 at 21:52dragonrider: who's who?

Icewing Frosting (Wings_of_Fire)06/12/20 at 23:52skootles: you should do one where kinkajuo begs winter for s...

Hookfang's Choice05/15/20 at 09:41Ado289:

Hookfang and Toothless 6904/13/20 at 11:06Ado289: sexy

Too Tight04/13/20 at 11:03Ado289: This hookfang art is so good

Qibli and Winter (Wings of Fire)11/29/19 at 17:50Ivatoe: YESSSSSS, YESSS! SO ADORABLE AND LUSTY AT THE SAME...

My Pet and I11/07/19 at 04:24Shadowassassin755: Just to let you know the top character has a strik...

Drake Threesome07/03/19 at 10:23Volteer133: Mirsathia is the artist
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Drake Threesome07/02/19 at 23:00Volteer133: Artist is Balasar, it's titled "Commissi...

Highlands Romp06/16/19 at 07:44Winter: Is this a Monster Hunter art piece?

Amorous Nightwings 104/24/19 at 06:28Night wing: Oh god hafe human why ?

Winter and Qibli03/30/19 at 02:02Night wing: Wow nice job you should make more

Lem x Syrilth03/24/18 at 04:52Lem: aw man why wasn't the messy version posted in...

Educas Reference Sheet (NSFW)10/11/17 at 05:41Akithes Wrathium: This does not belong in the male/ female category ...

Off The Beaten Path07/04/17 at 17:55: There's just something about the dragon and r...

Tasty Frozen Treat04/29/17 at 20:02Syrazor: Thats not me at all in this picture. Could an admi...

Dragon Mounting04/13/17 at 08:14Akithes Wrathium: um both dragons are male if you look closer